DIY Little Gal Summer Jammies

I am starting to work through my pins. And recently I pinned this tutorial on how to make some super quick, easy, and (best of all) COMFY jammies for the little gal. I didn't actually use the tutorial while making it, I had read it when I pinned it and just kind of took from what I remembered of the tut. 

The first one is Vneck cuz it was made out of an old t-shirt that my mom passed my way. 

The second one is made from a pink cotton stripe material that I got at Goodwill. Honestly- I got like 5 yards for $2. Who can pass that up???!?! 

The consensus is that J loooooves them. She didn't want to take them off after I had her try them on, so she wore them the rest of the day. I love it when she likes what mommy makes her!

If you are wondering if you should make them.... DO!

Go on over to The Mother Huddle and check out the Tutorial!


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