We Meet Again

 This poor neglected blog has finally made it into my mind again. I look back at past posts, and cringe a bit. But you know what, that's ok. Sometimes the past makes us cringe with disbelief, disgust, embarrassment. The important thing is that we learn and grow. Right? Can I get an AMEN? *amen* Yes, I realize that was just me- but that is realistically the only person who is probably aware that this blog exists. 

What should it become? 

  • Should I write about budgeting as I try to get back on a cash system? 
  • How about our schooling adventure?
  • Possibly about DIY projects?
  • Should it include what I'm learning about the Lord? 
Maybe a bit of everything? Probably


If you happened to have found this tiny corner of the internet, let me know your thoughts! 

Until later...


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