DIY- Honey Sugar Lip Scrub

For some reason I had an unexpected amount of DIY energy today. So, I looked at my Pinterest boards and found a few things that I had all the ingredients to make. Honey Sugar Lip Scrub was one of those things. As was Vicks-like Shower Tablets and Lotion Bars. You'll have to wait for those posts!

But lucky you, if you follow along, you can make some Honey Sugar Lip Scrub also!!! Chances are you will have everything on hand, or can make a small change to accommodate what you do have. 

  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 rounded Tbsp coconut oil (you could probably use olive oil if you don't have coconut oil)
  • 1 tsp brown sugar (I'm sure regular would work as well)
  • 1 extra tsp coconut oil
  • Clean baby food jar
First, measure out your honey and coconut into a bowl and mix until smooth.

 Coconut oil has a tendency to be clumpy, so be sure to smash those out. 

Next, fold in your sugar. 

And if you so desire, add an extra 1 tsp of coconut oil. Then fill up your baby jar and label it! 

To Use:
  • Take a small amount and rub on lips in a circular pattern. Then wipe off with a warm wash cloth! This will keep in the Fridge for about 2 weeks. 

This lip scrub not only tastes amazing, but will leave your lips feeling super soft. Now go make your own!


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