Pumpkins and Horses

This morning we skipped church and had a family day at the pumpkin patch. It started off great! Smiles, miniature ponies horses, amazing pulled pork and kettle corn, carousels and face painting. Around the time we got to the petting zoo, the children also started getting a bit particular. But there was still so much to do! And so much Darlin' wanted to do. So we continued. We went on the tractor hay ride around the farm and then Darlin' and Daddy went on a little train ride. Little Miss started melting down about then, so we quickly made our way to the pumpkin patch. It was just enough excitement for a bit of a pick-me-up for the kiddos and there were once again smiles! We each got our favorite pumpkin and then realized we hadn't taken a family picture.... Oh the mistake of taking a family picture as the last event of a FUN filled morning!!! Haha! Both kids were demanding to not take pictures, but don't worry--- Mommy and Daddy were smiling!!! Tears were in abundance when we made our way to the car (as is often the case if we stay out past 11am/nap time). But all in all, it was a very fun morning. Darlin' had a blast and Little Miss sure loved the food.

Here are some snap shots of the morning. 

Darlin' riding a "my size" tractor bike

Petting Zoo Fun

Darlin' and Me

Getting Eaten

Little Miss was completely afraid of the animals

Daddy and his little girls

Me and my girls

Darlin' loved the "little horses"

Daddy and Darlin' on the carousel

Carousel Fun

Train Ride

The train ride had a candy hold up, and gave candy if you didn't have any. 

Not too acurate. 

Little Miss enjoyed it

Our "happy" family picture

How have you been celebrating the Fall season? Have you gone to a pumpkin patch?


Lisa said…
We haven't been yet. But we will now that you gave us the idea!
Heidi Jo said…
Looks fun! I like your shirt. And your hair is so long right now!
Brigitte said…
Lisa- Did you guys go yet? I love the growth chart. I compared last years pictures to this years and it is crazy!

Heidi- Thanks! Yeah, my hair is kind of taking over. I just haven't had time in like a year to get it cut.

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